Thursday, 3 November 2016


Today, I lost my mother, my father, my son, my daughter, my friend and every single person that I love. I woke up today not realizing that all this time I was making memories. I didn’t realize that life would be so cruel towards me. Every day was a struggle to survive. How long would this carry one?
I watched as bullets pierced through the bodies of my loved ones. I watched as buildings collapsed and crushed my neighbours. I watched as innocent people were bombed. I yelled out, hoping that by some divine miracle they would be alive, but not today. Today was not a day for miracles. Today was a day for loss; well to be honest, every day was a day for loss. I fell to the floor holding my child’s lifeless body in my hands. I kissed her cold soft cheek as I lay her body on the floor and covered it with her favourite blanket. I brushed away the tears as I bid her farewell. Why do people have to pay with their life’s blood?  
A piercing white light lit up the sky, people ran for protection not knowing whether they will live or die. Through the tears, screams and the bloodshed, people shouting out to their loved ones to take cover. Merciless creatures were parading the streets, shooting bullets as if it were raining. I saw rivers of blood flowing down my streets. I cried and shouted for help but no one came to help us. Our home was taken, destroyed, nothing left to our name.
Millions of people have been forced to leave their homes. More than hundreds of people have been massacred. Thousands have become homeless. How long can this carry on? The pain is too much. Something has to change. I pray for the world to be a better place.
I sit on my bed and try to ponder what I could possibly type to try and give hope to people suffering but then I realize that the people that are suffering are the ones giving us hope. Let us pray for peace, and let us pray for each other irrespective of our colour, race, religion and location. We need to unite in times of happiness and in times of sadness.  I shout out to the people who are suffering “You are not alone! Help is on the way! Just keep holding on!”
Let us pray for humanity, #Afghanistan #Baghdad #Beirut #Burundi #France #Gaza #Iran #Iraq #Japan #Kenya #Lebanon #Mexico #Nigeria #Palestine #Paris #SouthAfrica #Syria #PrayForTheWorld

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